Dec 16, 2021 | Executive Background Checks | ExecCheck, Thought Leadership
As social and ethical business values become a key priority across all industries and sectors, organizations are now more vulnerable than ever to the potential reputational and financial damage that may occur when executive misdeeds enter the spotlight. Despite this,...
Mar 26, 2021 | Impact Investing | ImpactCheck, Thought Leadership
The board diversity proposal put forward by Nasdaq at the end of 2020 has put the governance issue high on the agenda again for 2021, and rightly so. If approved by the SEC, all listed companies would be required to publicly disclose diversity statistics that are...
Jan 21, 2021 | Due Diligence, Thought Leadership
2020 was a blockbuster year for SPACs, with approximately $64 billion raised in funds (compared to $67 billion for IPOs). 2021 is expected to follow suit. But how knowledgeable are investors on the pitfalls and risks of these investments? How does a SPAC work and how...
Sep 21, 2020 | Due Diligence, Third Party Screening | ScreenCheck, Thought Leadership
Vendor risk management has been on the agenda for years, and it’s no surprise why. With almost 90 percent of FCPA enforcement actions involving third party intermediaries and more than half of all cyber breaches being traced back to third parties, the risks are clear....
Mar 19, 2019 | Due Diligence, Executive Background Checks | ExecCheck, Thought Leadership
The difference between a comprehensive executive background check and a cursory one can be a game changer. It can determine whether you win the business game by working with a team you trust, or spend months – possibly longer – recovering from reputation and brand...