Feb 1, 2023 | Due Diligence, Social Media Diligence | SocialCheck, Thought Leadership
Nearly 60 percent of the world is connected virtually via some form of social media. In the US, the number is even higher, with more than 70 percent of the population owning at least one social media account. The number of social media users is expected to increase to...
Mar 16, 2022 | Thought Leadership
In 2021, the US continued on a downward trend in the Corruption Perceptions Index with the lowest score it’s had since 2012, according to Transparency International. Presidential pushback on the country’s $2 trillion pandemic response package, along with the perpetual...
Sep 27, 2021 | Thought Leadership
The persistence of global corruption raises NGO alarms, prompts politicians to speechify and posture, and leaves regulators scrambling to amend an abundance of anemically and unevenly enforced anticorruption laws. Is meaningful progress against corruption even...
Nov 11, 2020 | Due Diligence, Third Party Screening | ScreenCheck, Thought Leadership
For the first time in almost six years, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) issued its first Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) advisory, offering new insight into the law enforcement organization’s interpretation and application of the country’s anti...
Jun 4, 2019 | Compliance, Due Diligence, Third Party Screening | ScreenCheck, Thought Leadership
The US Department of Justice (DoJ) Criminal Division’s recently updated guidance for white-collar prosecutors — about evaluating corporate compliance programs — offers a roadmap for companies to pressure test whether their compliance policies meet defensible standards...