Feb 1, 2023 | Due Diligence, Social Media Diligence | SocialCheck, Thought Leadership
Nearly 60 percent of the world is connected virtually via some form of social media. In the US, the number is even higher, with more than 70 percent of the population owning at least one social media account. The number of social media users is expected to increase to...
Feb 3, 2022 | Beneficial Ownership | OwnerCheck, Due Diligence, Social Media Diligence | SocialCheck, Thought Leadership, Wealth Intelligence | WealthCheck
Imagine a high net worth individual whose asset portfolio includes four mansions in the English countryside, a British golf course, a villa in Sardinia, and a $42.5 million Gulfstream jet. Now imagine that all of this was achievable on a yearly salary of just $70,650....
Mar 19, 2020 | Social Media Diligence | SocialCheck, Third Party Screening | ScreenCheck, Thought Leadership
Lesson number one at school, we all learn from mistakes. Third-party risk management is no different. In the current environment of increased global enforcement and expanding regulatory legislation, a suboptimal compliance program is no longer tenable. There are...
Jan 6, 2020 | Due Diligence, Executive Background Checks | ExecCheck, Social Media Diligence | SocialCheck, Thought Leadership
The trend has been building for some time now: C-suite executives are the face of today’s companies, and their activities, whether positive or negative, reflect on the entire business. As a result, companies are more sensitive than ever to the possible reputational...